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bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:50 AM

Proverb A Day
Proverb A Day – Day 1

Today’s Proverb:
Let those who are wise listen to these proverbs and become even wiser.
And let those who understand receive guidance by exploring the depth of meaning in these proverbs,parables,wise sayings and riddles.
Proverbs 1:5-6 [NLT]

Today’s Thought:
Solomon, David’s son, the King of Israel said:
“The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings.
Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just and fair.
These proverbs will make the simpleminded clever. They will give knowledge and purpose to young people.”
Proverbs 1:2-4 (NLT)

BibleToday’s Action:
Today I will: Take to heart the words of King Solomon and I will use every opportunity I am given to:

Listen and Learn
Study and Seek
Pray and Put to Use
God’s word.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:50 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 2 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
For the Lord grants wisdom!
From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly.
He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity.
He guards the paths of justice and protects those who are faithful to Him.
Proverbs 2:6,7 [NLT]

Today’s Thought:
Look at all the Lord gives to those who are faithful to Him!
He gives a treasure of good sense,wisdom,knowledge,understanding,and protection–everyday, as we walk on His path!

Today’s Action:
Today I will open that treasure of good sense and use it!
I will take the time to thank the Lord for protecting me and for all the generous gifts He gives to me.
I will focus on using His wisdom,understanding and knowledge as I walk on His path today.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:51 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 3 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.Proverbs 3:5,6 [NKJV]

Today’s Thought:
Trusting in the Lord means we are relying on God’s ability and strength to accomplish what is needed in our life.
Trust is recognizing His authority in all situations and not depending our own intellect. When we pray we should confidently expect that He hears us and that He is working out all things for our good, no matter what is happening around us at the time.

Today’s Action:
Today I will:
Acknowledge, Pray, Accept and Follow His leading.
I will Look to Him and His word, not at my understanding of things
or at my current circumstances.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:51 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 4 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.
Proverbs 4:23 [NLT]

Today’s Thought:
Whatever has my heart’s focus,that is what becomes the issue in my life.
Therefore, I must be very careful to keep my heart focused on the Lord so that my life reflects what I believe in and His will, not my will, is what springs forth each day.

Today’s Action:
Today I will:

Guard my heart very carefully.
I will keep my focus on the Lord and His word.
I will review the issues springing forth in my life to see if they are of God or of me.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:52 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 5 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths. Proverbs 5:21 [NKJV]

Today’s Thought:
The Lord wants to be involved in our daily life, for He is always watching over us and pondering the choices we make. He waits for us to share our day with Him. He wants to help us decide which paths to walk on daily because He knows what is best for our life.

Today’s Action:

Today I will:

Thank the Lord that He is always watching over me.
I will seek His direction in all I do.
I will ask Him to guard and direct my steps.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:52 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 6 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
A little sleep, a little slumber,
A little folding of the hands to sleep–
So shall your poverty come on you like a prowler.
Proverb 6:10,11[NKJV]

Today’s Thought:
If we get lax and stop reading and studying the word,stop praying and praising the Lord, then slowly we will become spiritually poor and weak.
We need to be nourished daily by God’s word. It will strengthen us and keep us alive and active in our faith.”For the word of God is living and powerful,…”Hebrews 4:12 NKJV

Today’s Action:

I will fight against Spiritual Poverty.
I will stay alert.
I will keep reading God’s word.
I will keep praying and praising God.
I will do all I can each day to build up myself spiritually,so my life will not lack, for God has provided all I need each day for me to live in plenty spiritually.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:53 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 7 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
Guard My teachings as your most precious possession.
Tie them on your fingers as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
Proverbs 7:2,3 [NLT]

Today’s Thought:
We must make the Lord’s word a priority in our life.
We should read it,study it,speak it and memorize it daily.

Today’s Action:
Today I Will:

Set a reminder for myself to read God’s word.
Take some time to memorize a verse of scripture.
Speak,Sing,or Share His word with others.
Pray and ask God to help me guard His teachings within my mind and heart today.

bluidkiti 03-09-2019 08:53 AM

Proverb A Day – Day 8 by SGLY Ministry

Today’s Proverb:
Choose My instruction rather than silver, and knowledge over pure gold. For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies.
Nothing you desire can be compared with it.
Proverbs 8:10,11[NLT]

Today’s Thought:
Wisdom is the knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action. Wisdom is better than wealth or anything else we may desire
because it leads us to right actions.

Today I will take the words of this scripture to heart.
I will seek the Lord’s instruction,knowledge and wisdom above all else.
I will desire His word more than earthly treasure.
I will make the time each day to focus on Him, His word and His will for my life, for then I will have riches beyond compare, not only for myself, but also to share with others.

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