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Old 08-14-2013, 11:31 AM   #5
bluidkiti's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 71,254

The A.A. slogans are shorthand for our 12 Steps.

We did a lot of exercising when we were drinking: hitting the bottle, beating ourselves up, bending the rules, stretching the truth, jogging our memory, running into trouble, jumping to conclusions, stepping on toes, climbing the walls, dodging responsibility, pushing our luck, pulling the wool over people's eyes, walking over people, carrying a grudge, throwing fits, and picking up the pieces.

We must work the program for ourselves alone--not for our wife, children, friends, or for our job.

Every new day is a new opportunity to live as we should.

Anger, resentments, jealousy, envy, self-pity, hurt pride--all led
to the bottle.

A.A. is a place where we share.

I can have complete serenity at this very moment...if I live in denial.

We came to AA to save our ass, and found out our soul was attached .

not drugs


Just For Today...
You have to be willing to get rid of the life you have planned, so to have the life that is waiting for you.

No matter what - you don't have to pick up.

Until the pain gets strong enough, there will be no change.

It came to pass; it didn't come to stay.

Humble people don't think less of themselves, they just think of themselves less.

Resentments are like peeing your pants--they don't affect anyone quite as much as you!

May your lost dreams of yesterday become the reality of your tomorrow!

Hit your knees.....
not the bottle!"

I can't fix anyone but me,
and that's a full time job!"

Recovery is an inside job

Just for today.

Think Think Think

First things first.

How important is it?

Keep an open mind.

Keep it simple.

Live and let live.

Have an attitude of gratitude.

Mind your own business.

Progress not perfection.

Change the things I can.

One day at a time.

Wonderful things happen
One day at a time

Listen and learn.

Let go and let God

Easy does it.

This too shall pass.

Great expectations can lead to great disappointments.

Al-Anon doesn't give us the choice between feeling good or feeling bad- it gives us the choice between feeling and not feeling.

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

If it is to be, it is up to me.

If you think handling everything is too much, try letting go.

Fear is a darkroom where negatives are developed.

Take what you like and leave the rest.

Measure yourself by your best moments not your worst.

Remember yesterday, dream of tomorrow, but live for today.

The longest journey starts with the first step.

Recovery is a process, not an event-it takes time.

Recovery is an inside job.

You must be present to win.

Each new day offers a new opportunity

One hour at a time..
One day at a time..
One step at a time

Wonderful things happen..
One Day At A Time

A.A. Slogans

"It's alcohol-ISM, not alcohol-WASM !"

"A.A. also stands for.
"Attitude Adjustment."

"I can only carry the message, I can"t carry the drunk!"

Seven missed meetings makes one weak.

Happiness is not getting what you want, it is wanting what you get.

Self-will can get me what I want right now,
God's will can provide what I need for eternity.

The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them.

Being Recovered from Alcoholism is like getting a Gunshot wound. You can
recover from it but it does NOT make you bulletproof. You can recover from
alcoholism but it does not make you Immune from Alcohol.

HALT: Don't get
too Hungry,
too Angry,
too Lonely, or
too Tired!!

It's never to late to be what you might have been. George Eliot (12 life in recovery magazine).

There ain't no big deals!

If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got.
If you keep doin' what your doin'
you'll keep gettin' what your gettin'

No matter how far off the path we've stumbled, we're no more than 12 steps away from the solution!

Thoughts are not things and feelings are not facts; they only have the power we give them.

Looking for God
is like a fish looking for water.

Listen to the message..
not the messenger

Feel, Deal and the Heal
(Feel it, Deal with it and then Heal from it)

Hope is knowing the good in us will overcome the bad.

Happy, Joyous & Free

God speaks to us all a little differently, hoping we'll tell each other.

Even if I'm on the right track, if I don't move I'll get run over

Don't give up five minutes before the miracle

Do not be discouraged.

There is no situation too difficult to be bettered and No unhappiness to great to be lessened.

Don't take everything personally.

When you feel left out, reach out.

Have patience with all things, but first with yourself.

Serenity comes when I stop expecting and start accepting.

Today is the tomorrow that I worried about yesterday.

You cannot deal with the alligators until you drain the swamp and get out of the mud.

Glance at the past, but don't stare at it.

You can't change yesterday, but you can ruin today by worrying about tomorrow.

Wherever you go- there you are.

To live or just exist- the choice is yours.

Focus on the program-not the problem.

One needn't make a crisis out of an incident.

When you're flat on your back, there's no way to look but up.

As you go through life, make this your goal- watch the donut not the hole.

No is a complete sentence.

It's hard to be hateful when you're being grateful.

Fear is not a shortcoming- it's an emotion. Our reaction to it can be the shortcoming.

It helps to learn the difference between being responsible to others and being responsible for others.

Ulcers are what you get from mountain climbing on mole hills.

If you find yourself in a rut, stop digging.

Never walk unescorted through your own mind- it can be a dangerous neighborhood.

The way to get anywhere is to start from where you are.

If you want serenity, put your Higher Power between you & your problem.

Expectations are premeditated resentments.

Burn the idea into the consciousness of every man that he can get well regardless of anyone or anything.

Are we carrying the message or the mess?

Quality...not quantity

"Part of what works for me is to remember.....
I am not the only person who has ever gone through any of this. Therefore I am not alone."—302oiler

# We are as unique as snowflakes, and as common as blades of grass.

# AA richens the broth in the soup of life.

# A Slip is when Sobriety Loses It's Priority.

# There is no elevator to serenity, you must use the steps.

# "Alcohol was the lubricant that minimized the friction in all my relationships." (From Joe's story in the book The Courage to Change.)

# One is too many, and a thousand not enough. (Thanks to George W. for reminding me of this one.)

Are we so impressed with how long someone has been sober that it over rides their quality of sobriety?

On his twentieth A.A. anniversary, an old-timer turns to his sponsor, gloating, "Ha! And you thought I'd never make it!" The sponsor, with thirty years of sobriety, coolly answers, "Who says you've made it?"

As our knowledge of God grows, so will our strength of recovery.

Are we walking towards a drink or away from one?

Be with sober alcoholics and become and stay sober, be with drinkers and, well, you figure it out.

Before we say, "We can't", say, "We'll try".

A fellow said he came to A.A. because of back problems-to get his wife off his back, to get his boss of his back, to get his creditors off his back, etc.

By continuing with our personal inventories, we allow the seeds of recovery to take deeper root.

By standing together, we form a shield against a relapse.

If you do what we do you'll get what we got....
If you do what you did, you'll get what you got.....

I have to get into action. Sitting in an AA meeting doesn't make me sober anymore than sitting in a garage makes me a car.

HJF = Happy, Joyous, and FREE!

The steps did for me the very thing I kept hoping alcohol would do for me --- they gave me the peace and serenity I had been looking for in a bottle.

By sharing the program with others we reinforce how important it is to us.

Contented sobriety is contingent on spiritual fitness.

En route to her first sober vacation, a women newcomer confessed her apprehension to her husband. The idea of being on a plane without a drink was unthinkable. She came through the flight without incident and was absolutely floored to be met with a large banner in the airport saying. "A.A. Welcomes You." She grabbed her husband's arm and pointed to the sign, being concerned about her anonymity being broken. He looked at it for a moment, turned to her, and said quietly, "Dear, it stands for American Airlines."

Do our actions back up our words?

Do yourself a big favor, STUDY the Big Book.

Don't be afraid to ask others for help.

Ever wonder why as soon as we begin to learn about the Program we want to make it complicated?

Even when we cannot see a way out, we must never give up hope.

Every alcoholic will eventually quit drinking, but it's better to do it when we're still alive.

Every part of our lives should be important to us: our families and friends as well as our recovery and careers.

First things first: God, us, our families, ???.

Freedom from alcohol results in many other freedoms.

The quickest way to get on your feet ............. is to .........
Get on your knees.

If we stop doing the things that keep us in A.A., we’ll go back to doing the things that brought us into A.A.

If our lives are to be changed, our thinking needs to be changed.

PRAY = Put Recovery Around You

Rationalize = Rational Lies

RELAPSE = Recovery Exists Life And Program Seem Empty

SOLUTION = Saving Our Lives Using The Inventories Of Needed Steps

Relapse IS NOT a requirement BUT It IS a reality.

STAR = Start Talking About Recovery

TIME = Things I Must Earn

TRUST = Try Relying Upon Steps Today

SPONSOR = Service Person Offering Newcomers Suggestions On Recovery

Keep GRATITUDE Up front !!!!
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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