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Old 05-24-2014, 05:38 PM   #6
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Here is the link to the chapter:

Many people don't see alcohol as a drug. Many drug addict, feel that they can drink as long as they don't use their drug of choice. Substitution didn't work for me and I saw so many, pick up a drink and found themselves right back to where they were, often in worse shape than when the came in. It is a progressive disease. It doesn't stop just because I stop adding fuel to the fire. It continues on, and I found that only through the 12 Steps am I granted daily reprieve from active addiction.

I can escape into anything, and that 'anything' can become a new addiction. I had to quit all substances in order to recover.

Have found that using other substances will take you back to drinking or on to stronger drugs, if the alcohol stops working for you. At the end of my journey, I was abusing everything: pills, alcohol, relationships, and food. I decided to quit drinking because I couldn't afford to keep myself in the style that I had become accustomed. There was no one left to pay my way and obtaining through other sources and addictions were not an option. Ironically, when I did my inventory, I found that I gave 'it' away looking for love and yet had scruples about taking money. I think it was more an old tape, thinking I wasn't attractive enough and good enough to be paid for services rendered. I was kidding around with my 1st husband, his cousin and his wife who was my best friend. I said, 'Well if you won't give it to me, I will go out on the streets and earn it." I was told, "Do you have change for a quarter." Words hurt, it didn't seem so funny and got past the kidding stage. I like to think it was the good Christian values that I was brought up with, stopping me from going that extra mile.

I need to give up all drugs in order to recover. It all leads to the same soul sickness. As my sponsor said many times over, "What is your motive and intent?"


Love always,


I share because I care.

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