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Old 06-04-2014, 09:49 AM   #2
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Default Daily Feast - June 8th - 15th

June 8 - Daily Feast

It is unfortunate when someone fails us, but it isn't as bad as when we fail ourselves. The minute we make a mistake or fall short, we begin to condemn ourselves. How could we have been so dumb, so inept, so careless? We are victims by our own mouths. It is too easy to make a habit of thinking we are second-rate, not quite equal to others. If we say it enough times, we think it, and it feeds down into our hearts to surface again when we don't need it. Who can love us if we do not love ourselves? Who will build us up if we are busy tearing us down? Confidence is winning over self - not others. But we have to stir up the gift that is within us, see that we appreciate all the small things we can do well. We can only be what we give ourselves power to be.

~ These words are mine and they are true. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 8

"So we are connected to the moon. That gives us power, a connection to the earth and the moon, men don't know about."

--Cecilia Mitchell, MOHAWK

The Elders tell us that the Woman has access to special powers. The Earth Mother gives her love in a special way to the Woman. The Moon also gives special powers to the Woman. She uses these powers to nurture, heal and guide the people.

Great Spirit, today, give a special Blessing to our Women.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

If everyone were alike, what a dull world this would be. It is the individuality of each person that makes the world so interesting.

The tremendous differences in people give a wide range of personalities, beliefs, and appearances to every group, no matter how small.

If all the flowers in the world were of one color, would we think them beautiful? It is the variety and wide range of rainbow colors that keeps us fascinated.

Cowper wrote, "Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavor." So many have no thought of life except what they will east, what they will wear, and how they can entertain themselves. And then we come on someone who has the ability to see loveliness in the sunlight and charm in quiet rain. They can say things to encourage, to make calm and peaceful.

We meet many different kinds of people. Some we love and some we like and love, which is a terrific difference. It is to find a wholeness or a part of our lost self in someone else. It isn't that they are so much like us or that we believe the way they do, but that they communicate, and it is this rare communication that respects the differences between peoples.


June 9 - Daily Feast

Near is the lion on our path. But if we turn around and face it straight-on, it will slink away. The sooner we learn that fear has no power but what we give it, the sooner we gain control of all our emotions. The Tsalagi may know fear, but his stoic expression will never reveal it. To a Cherokee, u na ye hi s di, fear or alarm, is the face of the enemy that tries to numb his mind and spirit to make it easier to conquer him. The lion's roar is silenced the minute we face it down with our own, ga na nv di s gi, war whoop, that shows we mean business. We have no intention to stand still and let fear open the door to worse things. By the faith words of our mouths we turn away, not only the lion, but all it represents.

~ I turn with a shout that we are saved! ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 9

"Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished."

--Chief Sealth, DUWAMISH

Native people say the Earth is sacred. Some places on Earth will feel more sacred than others. You can often feel the sacredness of these places because of what has happened on them. If you do a ceremony on a certain place and return later, whatever happened before will still be there to help you. Even if someone you didn't know did something on the Earth and you come along later, the powers will be there to help you. This is why the Earth is sacred and these special places are sacred spots.

My Creator, let the powers of the sacred places help the people today.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

So often it is difficult to know where the line lies between kindness and domineering. It doesn't sound as if the two could possibly mix, but sometimes we're inclined to think it a kind of goodness when it actually becomes domineering.

It is often then best of kindest think to let others think for themselves. Even though the helpfulness is of love, it can be smothering to the ones who want to breathe freely, even of their own problems.

Concern can turn to possessiveness in the space of a moment and do it so suddenly it is almost impossible to comprehend. All individuals have the right to make their own mistakes and also the undeniable right to correct those mistakes. It makes help appreciated when it comes and then help is recognized as help and not ownership.

If we were all told what to do, it would relieve us of the burden of the responsibility of thinking, planning, or making decisions. Our lives would be literally free of care. And there are those among us who love to direct the traffic of other people's lives. But have you noticed how detestable it is to them to have the smallest suggestion made concerning their own? What a display of vanity!

There are always sycophants, or "apple polishers," if you will, who fawn and flatter the vanity. But to have one's vanity built to great heights is not always an act of love, but more often subtle scorn.

Love is the only force against vanity. Love does not wish to command, but only to serve. If love cannot tell the truth it does not speak. Vanity separates, love joins. Love does not ask that another take the responsibility, but it asks only the strength to bear it.


June 10 - Daily Feast

Ideas are like eggs in an incubator. They must be kept warm and protected until they have grown enough to hatch. Our need to, go wo in ha, talk on and on, can do away with a promising situation before it has ever had time to take form. Left to develop, it may have been a great blessing to many - but tampering with it in our belief that we can do anything and say anything aborts it. There is a time to speak and a time to keep silent, but it takes wisdom to know the time. Most things can only stand one telling, and it had better be where it stands a chance to survive. Until that time, don't talk, don't count.

~ Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and learn to hear my feeble voice. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 10

"Each day, whatever I am doing, I am always praying and thinking of God."

--Thomas Yellowtail, CROW

Have you ever tries going through your day and carrying on a conversation with the Creator? Many of our Elders live in prayer. They talk to the Creator like the Creator is their best friend. It is easiest to do this if we pray in the morning and ask the Great Spirit to direct our thinking. When the Creator in involved in guiding our lives, we will have less stress, anxiety and tension. Maybe this is something we would like to try today. "Oh, Creator, look at the Sun, how beautiful you have made it. Oh, look at this child, isn't she just beautiful! Well, Creator, I'm not sure how I should do this task, what do you think? This person is starting to irritate me; I need your help to redirect my thinking. Thanks for returning me to a peaceful mind." Remember, the Creator also has a sense of humor.

Grandfather, Grandmother, let me walk in prayer.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

In every society there always seem to be people who feel it their duty to read the riot act to whomever, in their opinion, is in need of it at the moment. Come be my friend until I have time to let you know the things you're doing wrong. This is a committee of one, in all my busy days....taking time to straighten out all who are not conforming to my ideas.

Who, in all the world, has so much wisdom as to consider themselves so forever be capable of such certainty as to what another person should do. And even if they should be right, who commissioned them in all their wisdom to speak the words that have such power to wither a spirit.

When the world has so much hurt, why should one voice be raised against another who has not spoken an unkind word in its direction. When even the strongest is so in need of compassion and love, why is one voice, sharp edged and driven deep, allowed to speak.

Our words can build or destroy. And we never really know just when something we say may make a decision for someone else, to give them courage or further dear. But God help all who have not learned that the words we speak come back to us.....many times.


June 11 - Daily Feast

There is an undercurrent that feeds us false impressions like a gentle trap that tells us we are doing right - because it feels right. Feelings are so easily manipulated they can't be trusted as a measure in anything. We stay with bad habits because it feels right. The habit comforts our feelings and the familiar touch makes us believe we can't give it up. But it is the path that winds back through the same experiences - almost like being lost in a jungle. We think we are on the right road out, until we find our own footprints going around and around. Whether it is a habit or a person, or a situation we are trying to escape, we have to know our feelings are not to be trusted. They keep us knocking on a door that seems like home but is simply the same stopping-off, na hna i, familiar place. Beware of feelings that deceive.

It has been said that there is no deceit in touching the pen to sign a treaty, but I have always found it full of deceit. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 11

"Behold, my bothers, the spring has come; the earth has received the embraces of the sun and we shall soon see the results of that love!"

--Sitting Bull, SIOUX

Spring is the season of love. Spring is the season of new life, new relationships. It is the springtime that really reacts to the new position of Father Sun. New life forms all over the planet. Life is abundant. New cycles are created. Mother Earth changes colors, the flowers are abundant. It is the time for humans to observe nature and let nature create within us the feeling of Spring. We should let ourselves renew. We should let go of the feeling of Winter. We should be joyful and energetic.

My Maker, let me, today, feel the feelings of Spring.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

So much has been written about happiness - the way to it, the reasons for it, the symbols of it - and still people search for that very special something that will assure happiness forever after. Of all the recipes for lasting happiness, we finally have to mix our own. But the one thing everyone has in common is the need for a little bit more. We have this and this, for which we are very thankful, but always the need is extended to that little bit more.

Happiness is like any other part of our lives, we must use wisdom in seeking it. We too often rush headlong into something that seems to be instant happiness, all the time telling ourselves we can right the wrong at a later time. But happiness doesn't remain happiness for very long when it has such strings attached.

In order to e rightly happy we concentrate on getting, but it is giving that we find most necessary to mix into every recipe. To some happiness will always be elusive, never quite settling anywhere, never quite revealing itself, for they have yet to learn that happiness has the wings of angels, the breath of God, and the love of man, all hidden within Him.


June 12 - Daily Feast

Personal balance, says the Cherokee, is a matter of self-restraint, steadiness and consistency. We like to think we have some of each. We want to believe we know a good thing when we see it - and because we can see it we can possess it as well. Balance means living, du yu go dv, squarely, or with truth. It means seeing that what we believe and what we talk about dictate what we get out of life. If we shortchange, we get shortchanged. If we whip and beat and scheme to get the better of someone, time will equalize it. No one really gets away with anything. We love to win, but if deceit comes in, so do all the factors of balance. A smokescreen blows away with the slightest change in pressure. We get what we give - good or bad.

~ Do not wrong or hate your neighbor; for it is not he that you wrong; you wrong yourself. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 12

"The faces of our future generations are looking up to us from the earth and we step with great care not to disturb our grandchildren."

--Traditional Circle of Elders

The leaves, when they are finished with their life on the trees, will return to the Earth. The leaves that return to the Earth are the future trees. So inside the Mother Earth are the future forests. The human, when finished with its life on the Earth, will return to the Earth. So in the Earth are our future grandchildren. Knowing this, we should be respectful of the place where our future generations live. Only take from the Earth what you need. Every time you pick a plant or Medicine, leave an offering and leave a prayer. Be respectful and walk in a sacred way.

Great Spirit, teach me to respect the place of future generations.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

You speak to me of faith and the church you attend. The most important faith will be the way you feel about it within you. Don't ever let anyone tell you that it is too unsophisticated to think about such things. For it is the very basis on which you draw your breath. Without faith there's no hope.

The most beautiful thing about life is that we can begin it anew each day. We need to forget every unpleasant thing that has ever happened to us, every shallow thing that has no meaning, every unkind word or deed or thought and start all over again.

And the only possible way to do it is by faith. Faith, faith, in yourself, faith in God, and faith that right will win. And facetiously stated, "Them that has gets." If you have a little faith it will attract more - if you know about it within you.


June 13 - Daily Feast

Part of the world's problem with education is that common sense cannot be taught. It is not a result of education but exists in spite of it. If something is missing in the handling of ordinary problems, it is usually common sense. Many are blessed with extraordinary charisma, the gift of grace or special qualities the Cherokee calls, a da to li s di. But to be used to any degree, charisma must backed by practical wisdom - common sense. We can be ready for anything and equal to anything if we are infused with the inner inspiration to develop common sense. The genius may know he has a fine mind, but common sense is needed to manage it.

~ While the Indians received us as friends, and listened with kind attention to our propositions, we were painfully impressed with their lack of confidence in the pledge of the Government. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 13

"We have and old saying, Everything living must die. Only the rocks and mountains are forever."

--Archie Fire Lame Deer, LAKOTA

The Creator designed all life to happen in a circle. For example, the cycle of life for the human being is Baby, Youth, Adult, Elder, then we die. The trees and the leaves happen in a circle; the leaves bud, then the leaves mature, next the leaves change color and at last they fall off the tree to return to the Mother Earth. The birds bear their young, raise their young, then they die. The salmon are born, swim to the ocean, live their lives, swim back to the spawning grounds, then die. All aspects of the Life Cycle should be honored.

Great Spirit, today, let me enjoy today.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

Do you want to know the truth about worry? It hits everyone. It is not an ailment just for weaklings or cowards. Worry is the cat you throw out only to have it back in before you can close the door.

Worry has another side. It proves we care very much, and that we appreciate our God-given gifts and loved ones. In a way, it is a sign of strength, for if we can turn it to faith, then faith can be just as strong. And to overcome worry, or to at least control it, there must be faith.

Faith, and the knowledge that if you could be in all the places, watching closely all the things about which you are concerned, you couldn't do a tenth as much good as one simple prayer.

We are taught, "Be not anxious," "Fear not," and "Be not afraid," and too quickly we become anxious, fearful, and very frightened. But even then we have only to put worry to flight by remembering those quieting words that are so absolutely true, "Be still and know that I am God."

Recently we had a summer storm. It was rumbling and heavy with darkness. The lightning flashed across the sky, and trees bent back and forth in the uncertain currents. When the first huge drops of rain spattered across the walks and lawns, our thoughts turned to the safety of anyone or anything that might be caught out in the wind and rain.

We've been through many summer storms. Some of them left permanent marks upon our memories. The threatening, the darkness, the pressure of the atmosphere are not so different from the emotional storms of the human life. We see lives under pressure bend to and fro in the uncertainty of life. We know concern for the safety of those who experience emotional storms. Then we know the only answer is in God's hands. There is no other way.

The good earth rights itself quickly after a storm. Nature comes forth more richly for having gone through the storm, and the scars are lost in new growth. And blessed are we when we lift ourselves up to a new, deeper radiance and peace.


June 14 - Daily Feast

This is the age of questioning. Nothing can be accepted at face-value the way it once was. A man's word has been broken so many times that we are convinced no one can be trusted. But such evidence is not always true. Emotions and unrestrained imagination makes us assume that certain people are not trustworthy. If we are going on hearsay we are in no position to judge. When enough time has passed we will know what is true. Until then it is wise to withhold opinions and refuse to believe the worst of anyone - even if something has given us reason to be suspicious. The loss is too great to, a da du hi s to di, to accuse or make a charge against people, without knowing if it is true.

~ You have come here to buy this country of ours, and it would be well if you came....with the price in your hand. ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 14

"The basis of knowledge is the fire, rock, water, and green. But when that power was given to man, he used it to twist his own mind. Tunkashila gave man just one drop of that wisdom."

--Wallace Black Elk, LAKOTA

All of Nature has the wisdom to follow the Natural Laws. All of Nature knows how to live in harmony and use this wisdom in a good way, with exception of the human being. Often we misuse this wisdom. Wisdom always remains with those who use it in the proper way. Nature has used this wisdom well, so now we need to go to Her so we humans can relearn and change our lives. May we start doing this today, before it is too late.

Creator, let me be open to the lessons that Nature can teach me.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

To have the desire to quit in the face of despair is not a new story. As long as time, people have wanted to give up when something hindered their progress. But such adversity is sometimes the right time for people to become acquainted with themselves.

It has been written that a smooth sea does not make a skillful mariner. The storms of human life, like those of the seas, awaken us to sharpening our abilities and strengthening us to overcome these present storms to the point where we seldom have to face them again. Most of living is a lesson, and the sooner we learn to study and develop the sooner we are rid of the teacher.

But in the words of Jeremy Taylor, "It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that his Helper is omnipotent." And it is impossible for people not to progress if they acknowledge their Helper in the most minute details of their lives.

Prepared for the worst? Forget it! Only worry prepares for the worst. If problems come to you, meet them with courage when they arrive. And worry has never produced courage. Faith produces courage, and keeps us from crossing all those unnecessary bridges. In fact, we cross bridges that have never been in existence, and have no strength except that which we give them by constant preparation for something that isn't good.

Promise yourself to cross no bridges this day except those you find immediately before you. And nine times out of ten they will lead only to happiness.


June 15 - Daily Feast

When we lean solely on the past, we remember vividly the things that never were. If something was, u wo du hi, beautiful, the present time fades in comparison. If it was bad, it too often consumes our joy in every new day. It is a daily matter to pick up the good and put down the not so good. We hope to preserve the precious and lose what oppressed our happier natures. But it requires us to monitor what we are thinking about and how we tell it - and not pull up the flowers with all the weeds. If we had the capacity to be happy at one time, we still have it. It is just that we have it in a new time, under new circumstances and with a spirit freed from the past. The worst slave is the one who dwells on and relives the past in all its murkiness.

~ I will not dwell on, nor mourn over, our untimely decay, nor reproach our paleface brothers for hastening it.... ~


'A Cherokee Feast of Days', by Joyce Sequichie Hifler


Elder's Meditation of the Day June 15

"Today, what is important for us is to realize that the old sacred ways are correct, and that if we do not follow them we will be lost and without a guide."

--Thomas Yellowtail, CROW

A long time ago the Creator gave to the people all the knowledge on how we should live and conduct ourselves. The Native people have been influenced be outside "tribes" who don't know about the Sacred Way. Our Elders still know about the old sacred ways. We need to consult and talk to them before it's too late. Every family needs to seriously evaluate whether they are living according to the old knowledge. If we are faultfinding, putting one another down, being selfish, being violent to our spouses or children, if we are cheating and being dishonest, then we are not living the old Sacred Way. The old way is about respect, love, forgiveness and sharing.

Great Spirit, today, teach me the old Sacred Way you taught my ancestors.


By Joyce Sequichie Hifler

The longest face and the saddest cry
Always seem to come with the question why
Why did you take what belonged to me?
It has always been mine, or can't you see
That you have no rights, to right to claim,
And you did just that, you're to blame
For all my unhappiness, all of my tears.
Well, perhaps not all, part were my fears.
And I suppose if I think I can also say
That if I've lost anything, it's really the way
That I treated the things that used to be mine.
I saw clouds on the days where there was really sunshine,
I turned often to darkness instead of the light.
I saw all of the wrong, but never the right,
And in all honesty I suppose I must say
If I've lost anything, I gave it away.
"No matter what you have done up to this moment, you get 24 brand-new hours to spend every single day." --Brian Tracy
AA gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves, with God's help, one day at a time. --Rufus K.
When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. --Franklin D. Roosevelt
We stay sober and clean together - one day at a time!
God says that each of us is worth loving.
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