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Old 12-28-2014, 02:44 AM   #23
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Sunday, December 28, 2014

You are reading from the book Today's Gift

I'll walk where my own nature would be leading - It vexes me to choose another guide.
—Emily Bronte

We journey across many intersections in our lives. Some may point in two directions, while others lead off in several. Our choice of direction can be difficult, especially when our friends choose a road we know to be dangerous. When this happens, we can choose to go our own way without them. If they begin to tease and taunt us about our decisions, may we remember that they are as scared as we were about their friends' reaction. We are not, after all, living for someone else. If we would be leaders, we can be assured that true leadership comes from following our own directions with confidence that it's right for us, not from fear of losing others' company.

We can let others live their own lives without us, if their direction is not for us. We can walk away with pride, satisfied in the knowledge that we refused to allow other people's fears change our decisions.

How have I gone my own way recently?
Well as it said in the Language of Letting Go, I don't panic, I know that if I apply Step Three to my life, my life is in my God's Care. There have been several people who have been put in my path and over the years we have parted ways for one reason or another. I think of my favourite piece of prose, "A Reason, a Season, a Life Time. Sometimes they are in our life to teach us what not to do, just as much as they are they are put in our life to show us a new life experience.

Love always,


I share because I care.

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