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bluidkiti 02-24-2020 03:23 AM

February 24: Be strong and brave. Be courageous because the Lord is with you. Fight the good fight of faith. Refuse to live in fear. God will lead you into victory. Trust Him and do not allow fear to control you. Let your faith make you an overcomer! Revelation 21:7a He who overcomes shall inherit all things.

bluidkiti 02-29-2020 03:12 AM

February 29: Your natural eyes will deceive you because things are not always as they seem. Things are not always as you see them. Things are and do exist in My spiritual realm, and those are the things that are true. I would have you see beyond the things of the world, so that you no longer look through natural eyes, but look through the eyes of faith. Begin to overcome those things that are set against you by the power of your faith. Your faith will sustain you in these days; it will keep you and be the avenue by which you receive your provision, says the Most High.

bluidkiti 03-02-2020 02:30 AM

March 2: The path that leads to life is before you. Choose to walk on it, and do not allow the devil to influence you to walk on his path, which is the path of death. Make every effort to walk on God's path and refuse every temptation that comes. Psalm 16:11 You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

bluidkiti 03-07-2020 02:55 AM

March 7: You are standing in a pivotal position by which you can turn and have things change in your life. Turn! Just turn and let My word bring you into spiritual reality. Allow revelation and wisdom to become active in your life, and your faith will advance so that you will receive everything that I desire for you to have in this season, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 03-09-2020 05:51 AM

March 9: You will be better off if you access wisdom. If you ask Me to enable to you to walk with Me in My wisdom, you will know which way to go, and your choices will become a demonstration of My will, says the Lord. James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

bluidkiti 03-14-2020 06:17 AM

March 14: You can do this! You are called as My children to reap the benefits that I have set forth in My word. For, it will be given to those who abide in My kingdom, which will manifest in your life in a fresh way. So, from this point on make a determination that you can be what I have called you to be. You can do what I have said you can do. You can come higher into the realm of the Spirit and be more effective. You can see My power move in your life, which will cause your life to become inspired. Your journey into faith can be exciting. The glory of the kingdom will be demonstrated, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 03-16-2020 06:01 AM

March 16: My land--My habitation is the one you live in spiritually where your banner is established. It is your standard of life in the Spirit. Let it be a demonstration that you are Mine and that you belong to Me! Mark 9:41 "For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward."

bluidkiti 03-21-2020 01:45 AM

March 21: I was suddenly aware that Jesus walked into the room. I could not see Him physically but there was an elevation of life, well-being, strength, and light, that filled the room, and it lasted for a couple of hours. Then, I asked the Lord what this was about, and this was His response: "This is a taste of what I'm doing this season. I am going to bring My people to life in the Spirit, more life than they have ever had; more strength than they have ever had; more light than they have ever had. Get ready and be aware of this amazing work. When it comes you will recognize it and be able to receive."

bluidkiti 03-23-2020 05:57 AM

March 23: The Lord says that the enemy has been bringing a spiritual fog into your spiritual atmosphere. This has caused you to be unable to see clearly. It has created doubt around the things that you are making decisions for. It has caused you to be unclear about that which you are to pray and that which you are to do. But, the Lord says, "Watch now for I bring My wind. And, I will remove the fog which has encased you. I will remove from you the obstruction that has kept you from seeing clearly. You are now entering into the season of light and the glory of this season shall come with great clarity, great purpose of mind and the greatness of strength of the anointing of My Spirit. Expect Me to clear the atmosphere that has hindered you so that you may see clearly all things, says the Almighty.”

bluidkiti 03-28-2020 06:41 AM

March 28: My people have asked for wisdom. And, because they have asked I am revealing to them the process of My purposes, in these days, so that they can indeed be who they are called to be. So they can rise to the occasion; so they can rise up to that which I have called them to be; so that I can reveal Myself to them more completely in the process as they go forth to carry the nature of My character into this world. They shall know Me more fully and not only will they know Me fully, but those around them will know Me more fully because they have walked on the path of life and they have opened a way for people to see My goodness in their lives, says the Lord.

bluidkiti 03-30-2020 06:25 AM

March 30: You will now find yourself in defining moments. This time of transition will define your journey and establish your path into the future. You will soon realize that you are on the path of no return. New developments will come quickly, and will create a spiritual rippling effect throughout your life. World conditions will be upset, and things will never be the same.

bluidkiti 04-05-2020 06:55 AM

April 5: It is written and it is true, that greater is He that lives in you than he that is ruler over this world. For I have come to live in you; to empower you; to encourage you that you will always have victory if you will join yourself to Me and to My purposes. For, the power of the kingdom is to be made manifest in you. The joy of the kingdom is to be seen in you. The peace of the kingdom is to come upon you. Arise now; arise and march on with full assurance that I am with you and I will never leave you. You will come through into the glory and the manifest destiny that I have for you, My beloved. Let resurrection power flow through you and let it bring that which is needed. Be renewed, healed and strengthened, says the Most Holy.

bluidkiti 04-12-2020 05:44 AM

April 12: This is a dynamic spiritual time. So, I say proceed with good expectations in these days regarding those things I will do on your behalf. The darkness of this world is invading your space and is coming to bear. But, you are children of the light. You are those I have chosen to spread the glory of My presence and power in these days. Know that I have chosen you for this special time, and I will empower you according to My word, and bless you according to My ways. Go forth in the power that I have provided.

bluidkiti 04-19-2020 06:32 AM

April 19: Even though darkness has increased on the earth, My glory shall rest upon those who belong to Me, says the Lord. Let your light shine forth in My kingdom. Be filled to overflowing with My Spirit. Become a light bearer that brings truth and goodness to those who live in darkness. Isaiah 60:1-2 Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.

bluidkiti 04-26-2020 05:33 AM

April 26: I would have you rise up out of the mire of adversity. It is My intention to bless My people exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything that you could imagine. I cannot bless you, however, if you remain on a worldly level. You must rise up. Come boldly before My throne of grace. Come with anticipation of My goodness. Come with expectation of those things that I am about to do in your life that will carry you on the path of destiny. This is the fullness of time when things are coming to completion, and your destiny must be formed and brought to perfection.

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