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MajestyJo 03-18-2014 05:45 PM


John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

MajestyJo 03-18-2014 05:47 PM


Romans 1:17
For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "The righteous will live by faith."

MajestyJo 03-21-2014 03:42 AM


"It takes time to grow into freedom. We have time yet.

- Anne Wilson Schaef

This covers a lot of ground. My freedom as a woman, who no longer lives her life through other people, who is not afraid to be her 'own' person is the biggest freedom I have gained in recovery.

I hear freedom from active addiction, and for the most part that is true, but that is the reason for the second statement. I may be free from my drug of choice, but I am always vulnerable about other substance coming into my life and want to take over." So I have to work on my freedom daily, to allow myself freedom from the bondage of self and the nature of my disease.

I never had a concept of "just one" in my life! I had no understanding of "one day at a time", which frees me from the mistakes and cares of yesterday, release of me from the self-imposed obligation of looking at tomorrow (because I have have is the past to base my projections on), which allows me to live in today free to enjoy life in the moment, in God's care with love and faith, instead of my manipulations, guilt, and fear.

There is no price high enough to give up my freedom of today.
Not sure what I was thinking when I wrote this in 2004, unless it was there was no way I would be willing to give up the freedom of recovery and go back into the bondage of self and active addiction again.

Realized early that I had already paid for the price of freedom. Freedom is a gift of recovery, not something I have to pay for. Having said that, the gift is priceless.

MajestyJo 04-10-2014 03:58 AM


When the weather suits you not,
Try smiling.
When your coffee isn’t hot,
Try smiling.
When your neighbors don’t do right,
Or your relatives all fight,
Sure ‘tis hard, but then you might
Try smiling.
Doesn’t change the things ,of course–
Just smiling.
But it can not make them worse—
Just smiling.
And it seems to help your case,
Brightens up a gloomy place,
Then, it sort o’ rests your face—
Just smiling,


Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

MajestyJo 05-23-2014 11:53 PM


The Rules For Being Human

Cherie Carter-Scott

1)You will receive a body.

You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period of time around.

2)You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time school called Life.
Each day in this school you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant or stupid.

3)There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Growth is a process of trial and error: Experimentation.

The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately "works."

4)A lesson is repeated until learned.

A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it, you can them go on to the next lesson.

5)Learning lessons does not end.

There is no part of life that does not contain it's lessons.

If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned.

6)"There" is no better than "here".

When you are "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here".

7)Others are merely mirrors of you.

You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself.

8)What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9)Your answers lie inside you. The answers to Life's questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

How true! This was something I didn't want to allow myself. People repeatedly seemed to be saying, "Well you are only human you know!" That wasn't acceptable to me. I could not always be perfect and right but I felt that it was my job in recovery to be the best me I could be each day. I didn't always live up to my expectations and I learned not to beat myself up for falling short of who and what I wanted to be, and yet I felt better within me for having tried.

Before recovery, I didn't try. I had given up on life and I got to the stage where I was sick and tired of being tired and sick. I have been back there a few times since then and it is not a good place to be. Thank God for this program.
Posted on another site in 2013, probably a duplicate. :(

When I came through the doors of recovery, I wasn't too sure I was glad to be alive. For several long weeks it had been stop the world, I want to get off.

It talks about being human, and I didn't feel very human or humane. When you live in a room in the YWCA there are not too many places around that look much better than here, when all the places are the same, except maybe neater or with more stuff. Which is what life is all about, we look a the surface and look at what we don't have rather than what we do have.

Welcome to the journey of recovery.

MajestyJo 05-25-2014 12:24 PM

Here are your Words-2-Inspire for the week from Soul Weaver. Enjoy!

Believe while others are doubting.
Plan while others are playing.
Study while others are sleeping.
Decide while others are delaying.
Prepare while others are daydreaming.
Begin while others are procrastinating.
Work while others are wishing.
Save while others are wasting.
Listen while others are talking.
Smile while others are frowning.
Commend while others are criticizing.
Persist while others are quitting.

-William Arthur Ward

MajestyJo 06-08-2014 02:45 AM

Quotations for Motivation, Inspiration or Contemplation

Thoughts Of The Day
"If a situation does not work then let it be. It is never okay to seek revenge. Inner peace and forgiveness are sources of strength."
Written in 2014 by Jesse Marie Kavumpurath --- Connecticut

Thoughts For The Day
"...Therefore, the quality of one's art is determined most by the interpretation of the art, rather than the thought of the artist himself, for the quality of one's art is determined only by the viewer's opinion."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by James Donalds --- New York

Thought Of The Day
"What is not acknowledged cannot be addressed. Denial defeats elimination."
Written in 2014 by Janice Harris --- Florida
If you don't admit there is a problem, you will never overcome the problem. Deal with it.


MajestyJo 06-09-2014 02:30 AM


Quotations for Motivation, Inspiration or Contemplation

Thoughts Of The Day
"If a situation does not work then let it be. It is never okay to seek revenge. Inner peace and forgiveness are sources of strength."
Written in 2014 by Jesse Marie Kavumpurath --- Connecticut

Thoughts For The Day
"...Therefore, the quality of one's art is determined most by the interpretation of the art, rather than the thought of the artist himself, for the quality of one's art is determined only by the viewer's opinion."
Author Unknown --- Submitted by James Donalds --- New York

Thought Of The Day
"What is not acknowledged cannot be addressed. Denial defeats elimination."
Written in 2014 by Janice Harris --- Florida
If you don't admit there is a problem, you will never overcome the problem. Deal with it.

MajestyJo 06-24-2014 02:22 AM


Learn to recognize when something isn't working or isn't flowing. Step back and wait for clear guidance.

Today, I will not make myself crazy by repeatedly trying solutions that have proven themselves unsuccessful. If something isn't working, I will step back and wait for guidance.

Language of Letting Go for June 28, posted in 2011

Today, I will not make myself crazy by repeatedly trying solutions that have proven themselves unsuccessful. If something isn't working, I will step back and wait for guidance.

Melody Beattie
I think everyone can identify with this statement. I tried and tried my way for years. My best thinking got me to the doors of recovery. Why should I continue to do the same thing over and over again, and expect different results.

Today, I try to listen for that guidance. Little things along the way on each day's journey, affirms my God is with me. Like getting my two special note pads on sale for $1. in a store I seldom go by and never go in. Today finding pineapple, peeled and cored in a store that is more economically friendly than where I normally get it.

Having thoughts of my friend and having her call me. Having thoughts of my other friend and me calling her. I saw a Hello Kitty Doll today and asked the price and was told it was $8.99. I thought not worth it. Found out it was $2. cheaper, but didn't buy it although I was tempted. I kept thinking of the new microwave I am trying to save up for.

Across the top of my monitor is a bear, a frog, a pink pig, and a reindeer. I didn't have room for her anyway and she was white, and I envisioned her to be a good dust magnet. I thought, in the past, it would have been thought, react. It would have been bought, because I wanted it and to heck with anything else.

I have had to change the thinking, I had to still my mind, and in that stillness, say the Serenity Prayer, ask for the guidance and in the quiet, listen for the answer. The guidance is there. Sometimes it is subtle, other times it feels like a cast iron frying pan. Today I wanted to buy flowers. It was only $3.99 for a bouquet. I was wanting to ignore the fact that they were fresh flower and if I had brought them home, I would have ended up with a sinus headache, be all stuffed up and would have to use my inhaler, and my eyes would water and I wouldn't be able to read. Acceptance is the key. I can look but can't touch. I need to play the tape to the end.

Came to a new awareness, that voice inside isn't always my Higher Power, quite often it can be my disease that is talking.

When I see what people do, act, don't do, or say, and my mind still says or thinks, "Your a$$ is sucking air." I know that I am still in my disease. I know that it is anger, resentment, or a lack of me working part of my program. There are a few choice words in my mind lately, and I came to realize it was my resentment and anger, along with some suppressed feelings and not vocalizing what I really wanted to say. They use to be a lot worse, but that doesn't make them right. It isn't who I want to be in today.

My God wants me to be loving, caring and forgiving, so one day at a time, I will listen to His Guidance and ask for the healing of my own thoughts.

Our disease show up in different forms and often comes out in disguise. Thankfully it doesn`t take so long to recognize it, unless I am in total denial. i.e. My eating half a pan of brownies. Did I ever tell you that I like Garfield. He is the perfect example of a food addict.

MajestyJo 06-28-2014 10:08 AM

MajestyJo 07-01-2014 03:46 AM

MajestyJo 07-01-2014 04:04 AM

Your imagination is the place where your future experiences are constructed. You’re like the chef who chooses and controls what’s placed into a creation, no matter what the outside influences or circumstances are. What would you like to cook up in your mind?

This decision has a direct bearing on your future experiences. Naturally, you’d prefer to have happy encounters—but do you truly understand that you can ensure their occurrence? This is the day to take charge of your world and envision whatever elaborate and exotic future you desire! We’ll guide you, and help you guard against placing unwanted elements into the mix, so dream big today. Whether it’s planning a comfortable and quiet experience or one that’s more challenging, make choices that truly mirror your innermost feelings.

Doreen Virtue

MajestyJo 11-12-2015 11:04 PM

The Meaning of Peace

There was once a king who offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures, but there were only two that he really liked, and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for the peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The second picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell, and in which lightening played. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all.

But when the king looked, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush a mother bird had built her nest....a perfect picture of peace.

Which of the pictures won the prize?

The king chose the second picture.

Do you know why?

"Because," explained the king, "Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.

Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace."

That is the REAL meaning of peace.

~Author Unknown~

MajestyJo 12-28-2015 04:02 AM



In A.A. we aim not only for sobriety — we try again to become citizens of the world that we rejected, and of the world that once rejected us. This is the ultimate demonstration toward which Twelfth Step work is the first but not the final step.
— AS BILL SEES IT, p. 21

The old line says, "Suit up and show up," That action is so important that I like to think of it as my motto. I can choose each day to suit up and show up, or not. Showing up at meetings starts me toward feeling a part of that meeting, for then I can do what I say I'll do at meetings. I can talk with newcomers, and I can share my experience; that's what credibility, honesty, and courtesy really are. Suiting up and showing up are the concrete actions I take in my ongoing return to normal living.
My sponsor use to say, "Suit up and show up for the day and the rest will follow. You may be the only Big Book someone sees. Do people look at you and see recovery?

MajestyJo 01-03-2016 11:36 PM

These are a few simple suggestions for people who are willing to make an experiment. You can discover for yourself the most important and practical thing any human being can ever learn – how to be in touch with God.

All that is needed is the willingness to try it honestly. Every person who has done this consistently and sincerely has found that it really works.

Before you begin, look over these fundamental points. They are true and are based on the experience of thousands of people.

1. God is alive. He always has been and He always will be.
2. God knows everything.
3. God can do anything.
4. God can be everywhere – all at the same time. (These are the
important differences between God and us human beings).
5. God is invisible – we can't see Him or touch Him – but, God is here.
He is with you now. He is beside you. He surrounds you. He fills the room or the whole place where you are right now. He is in you now. He is in your heart.
6. God cares very much for you. He is interested in you. He has a plan for your life. He has an answer for every need and problem you face.
7. God will tell you all that you need to know. He will not always tell you all that you want to know.
8. God will help you do anything that He asks you to do.
9. Anyone can be in touch with God, anywhere and at any time, if the conditions are obeyed.

These are the conditions:

- To be quiet and still
- To listen
- To be honest about every thought that comes
- To test the thoughts to be sure that they come from God
- To obey

So, with these basic elements as a background, here are specific suggestions on How to Listen to God:

1. Take Time
Find some place and time where you can be alone quiet and undisturbed. Most people have found that the early morning is the best time. Have with you some paper and pen or pencil.
2. Relax
Sit in a comfortable position. Consciously relax all your muscles. Be loose. There is no hurry. There needs to be no strain during these minutes. God cannot get through to us if we are tense and anxious about later responsibilities.
3. Tune In
Open your heart to God. Either silently or aloud, just say to God in a natural way that you would like to find His plan for your life – you want His answer to the problem or situation that you are facing just now.
Be definite and specific in your request.
4. Listen
Just be still, quiet, relaxed and open. Let your mind go "loose." Let God do the talking. Thoughts, ideas, and impressions will begin to come into your mind and heart. Be alert and aware and open to every one.
5. Write!
Here is the important key to the whole process. Write down everything that comes into your mind.
Everything. Writing is simply a means of recording so that you can remember later. Don’t sort out or edit your thoughts at this point.
Don't say to yourself:
This thought isn't important; This is just an ordinary thought; This can't be guidance; This isn't nice; This can't be from God; This is just me thinking..., etc.

Write down everything that passes through your mind:
Names of people;
Things to do;
Things to say;
Things that are wrong and need to be made right.
Write down everything:
Good thoughts - bad thoughts;
Comfortable thoughts - uncomfortable thoughts;
"Holy" thoughts - "unholy" thoughts;
Sensible thoughts - "crazy" thoughts.
Be honest! Write down everything! A thought comes quickly, and it escapes even more quickly unless it is captured and put down.
6. Test
When the flow of thoughts slows down, stop. Take a good look at what you have written. Not every thought we have comes from God. So we need to test our thoughts.

Here is where the written record helps us to be able to look at them.

a. Are these thoughts completely honest, pure, unselfish and loving?
b. Are these thoughts in line with our duties to our family – to our community?
c. Are these thoughts in line with our understanding of the teachings found in our spiritual literature?

7 Check
When in doubt and when it is important, what does another person who is living two-way prayer think about this thought or action? More light comes in through two windows than one. Someone else who also wants God's plan for our lives may help us to see more clearly.
Talk over together what you have written. Many people do this. They tell each other what guidance has come.
This is the secret of unity. There are always three sides to every question – your side, my side, and the right side. Guidance shows us which is the right side – not who is right, but what is right.
8. Obey
Carry out the thoughts that have come. You will only be sure of guidance as you go through with it.
A rudder will not guide a boat until the boat is moving. As you obey, very often the results will convince you that you are on the right track.
9. Blocks
What if I don't seem to get any definite thoughts? God's guidance is as freely available as the air we breathe. If I am not receiving thoughts when I listen, the fault is not God's.

Usually it is because there is something I will not do:
- something wrong in my life that I will not face and make right;
- a habit or indulgence I will not give up;
- a person I will not forgive;
- a wrong relationship in my life I will not give up;
- a restitution I will not make;
- something God has already told me to do that I will not obey.

Check these points and be honest. Then try listening again.

10. Mistakes
Suppose I make a mistake and do something in the name of God that isn't right? Of course we make mistakes. We are humans with many faults. However, God will always honor our sincerity.
He will work around and through every honest mistake we make. He will help us make it right. But remember this! Sometimes when we do obey God, someone else may not like it or agree with it.
So when there is opposition, it doesn't always mean you have made a mistake. It can mean that the other person doesn't want to know or to do what is right.
Suppose I fail to do something that I have been told and the opportunity to do it passes?
There is only one thing to do. Put it right with God. Tell Him you're sorry. Ask Him to forgive you, then accept His forgiveness and begin again. God is our Father – He is not an impersonal calculator. He understands
us far better than we do.

11. Results
We never know what swimming is like until we get down into the water and try. We will never know what this is like until we sincerely try it.
Every person who has tried this honestly finds that a wisdom, not their own, comes into their minds and that a Power greater than human power begins to operate in their lives. It is an endless adventure.
There is a way of life, for everyone, everywhere.

Anyone can be in touch with the living God, anywhere, anytime, if we fulfill His conditions:
When man listens, God speaks.
When man obeys, God acts.
This is the law of prayer.
God's plan for this world goes forward through the lives of ordinary people who are willing to be governed by Him.

Written in the late 1930's by John E. Batterson
(A personal friend of Dr. Bob's — co-founder of A.A.)
Distributed by Wally P., Archivist/ Historian/ Author

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